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Which diaper is more absorbent, Huggies or Pampers?

Our experiment’s purpose is to find which newborn diaper, Huggies Little Snugglers or Pampers Swaddlers, absorbs more simulated urine (5% salt water). The Pampers diaper is composed of an average…



The Causes of the Demise of Sir Thomas More

Francis Lee High School Student   The-Causes-of-the-Demise-of-Sir-Thomas-More (click to view)…

Parents’ Perception of Online College Degree Programs for their Children

Parents’ Perception of Online College Degree Programs for their Children S.H. Park…

Tourism Does NOT Always Benefit a Country

Tourism Does NOT Always Benefit a Country Felisiani Gunawan Tourism Does NOT Always Benefit a Country…

Barriers to Sustainable Tourism Development in Peripheral Regions

Barriers to Sustainable Tourism Development in Peripheral Regions Kelly Tang Wan Hui Barriers to Sustainable Tourism Development in Peripheral Regions…

Sugar: Friend or Foe?

Raelene Tang Chiang Kai Shek College   Sugar-Friend-or-Foe (click to view)…

A Simple Printing Solution to Aid Deficit Reduction

The printing-related expenditure that is budgeted in 2014 for U.S. Federal agencies is $1.8 billion. Even though printing expenditure has been decreasing in recent years, it continues to be high…

Characterization and Phylogenetic Analysis of the Cytochrome B Gene (cytb) in Salvelinus fontinalis, Salmo trutta and Salvelinus fontinalis X Salmo trutta within the Lake Champlain Basin

In 2011, record snowfall and rainfall along with tropical storm Irene damaged trout habitat within the tributaries of the Lake Champlain Basin, causing the Salvelinus fontinalis (brook trout) population to…

Friend or Foe: Investigating the Relationship between a Corn Crop and a Native Ragweed Population

As the demand for food increases with the ever-growing world population, crop production and growing efficiency must also be sustainably increased. Many factors, including energy cost, land allocation, and water…

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